194 75 (1968) 5 ScharfAuswertung der Tachymeteraufnahme des Rhein- vorlands mit elektronischen Rechenanlagen. MugicaGekeler: Geodatische Netzausgleichung, ein umfassendes Programm für die elektronischen Datenverarbeitungssysteme IBM 1130 und IBM/360 187. Wendschuh Einsatz eines Klein-Computers in der Vermessungs- und Katasterver- waltung. Ruopp: Ein neuer Klein-Computer und seine Einsatzmöglich- keiten im Vermessungswesen. Walter: Elektronische Abrechnungs- automaten im Vermessungswesen. Heckelmann: Die Richtungskoeffi- zienten a und b beim Einschneiden. Stiebens: Neue Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsordnungen der Landeskulturverwaltung in Rheinland-Pfalz. Bulletin Géodésique (1968) 87 Tengström: I.A.G.-Conferences on ,,The normal spheroid and the figure of the earth" (SSG 16), and on „Recent research on atmospherical refraction for geodetic purposes" (SSG 23), held in Vienna (March I4_I7' 1967). Hradilek: Trigonometric levelling and spatial triangulation in mountain regions. MuellerGlobal satellite triangulation and trilatera- tion. Kirschmer: A new aspect on space transformations. Jones Utilisation des nivellements pour l'étude des mouvements du sol. Robbins The chronocord Mk III A portable recording crystal chronometer. Hytónen: Report on progress of the absolute gravity measurement with long wire pendulum. Arnold: An attempt to determine the unknown parts of the earth's gravity field by successive saltellite passages. Heifetz, Malahov, Terehov: Sea-surface pendulum measurements made by Laboratory of Gravimetry of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and Cartography of the USSR. RappThe computation of gravity at elevation on a large scale. Cartography 6 (1967) 3 White: Copying Machines and Projectors Combined to Produce a Photographic Technique. Oilier: Geomorphic Indications of Contour Map Inaccuracy. Knight: The Pacific Ocean Some Aspects of its Early Cartography. Lines: Control Surveys for 1 100,000 Mapping. Allman: Least Squares Adjustment of Observations. Geodesy and Aerophotography (1967) 3 Gan'shin and Nesterenok: Evalution of Standard Deviation Using Empirical Mean Square Error. Sharupich: Transformation of Condition Equations and Error Equations Using Different Bases of Linear Space. Nazarenko: Solution of Problems in Geodetic Adjustment by the Quadratic Programming Method. Sheynin and Plekhanov: History of Development of Adjustment Operations by the Indirect Measurements Method. Klimkov: Principal Parameters of Lasers for Use in Distance Measurements. KryukovThe Accuracy of Initial Sides and Laplace Azimuths. Nikol'skiy and Bystrova: Trigonometric Leveling over Short Distances. Proferansova: Mechanization and Automation of the Fabrica tion of Scales and Circles for Reading Devices. Zaytsev: Group Adjust ment of Microtrilateration Nets. Zhilenko: Effect of the Projection Matrix in the Least Squares Method. Mikhelev: Formulas for Calculating Hori zontal Refraction during Geodetic Work in Enclosed Spaces. Kondrat'yen Investigation of Gyrotheodolites. KrasnopevtsevThe Possibilities of Precise Rectification. SkoblovA Case of Rectangular Coordinate Rectifi cation in Nontopographic Photogrammetry. Vul'fovich: Analysis of Dis tortions of the Modified International Projection. Vasmut: Effect of Instruments and Apparatus on the Technology and Method of Preparing Map Compilations. Soldatkin and Skopintsev: Representation of the Transportation Net on a 1 1,000,000 Map. Kolosov: Some Problems in the Representation of Rural Populated Places on 1 25,000 Map. Krylova

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1968 | | pagina 52