466 Bolgov: Computing the stability of geodetic centers and bench marks at construction sites. Korobkov: Determining weighting factors by trans forming graphs. Rondel'Complex geomorphological analysis of topo graphic relief in urban construction. Timov: Application of the theory of convex programming to adjustment of conditional and indirect measure ments.Cherkoz'yanovEvaluation of the accuracy of a triangulation chain with measured angles and connecting sides extended between determ ined stations. Utenkov: Increasing the accuracy of small pulsed-light range finders. Mashimov: Adjustment of measurements on an electronic computer by the group iteration method. Serebryakova: Accuracy in coordinate transformation. Kuznetsov: Training geodesists in mountain eering. Plakhov: Solution of the problem of motion of a particle in the gravity field of Saturn's ring. Shul'min: Some results of errors in photo- grammetric determinations in a stereotopographic survey of a plains area with the SD-IM instrument. Yuzefovich: Instruments for determining vertical speed of an aircraft during an aerial gravimetric survey. Shiryayev Automation of readout of quantitative information from special maps. Usov: On the path of rays in a dihedral reflector with a cover. Golubtsov, Komarov: A highly precise electronic centering instrument. Ivandikov, Troshanin: A mechanical device for constructing a vertical. Shapochkin, Kiryushin, GrebennikovDesign of a two-mirror aplanatic system. Profe- ransova: Automatic checking of errors in circle graduations. Polezhayev Optical instruments used abroad in observing artificial earth satellites for geodetic purposes. Geodesia 10(1968)7/8 v.d. Brink: Naverkennen.van der Kooy: Kadastraal zakenrecht. van Weelden: Leidingenregistratie. 10 (1968) 9 SchokkenkampBoode: De rivierkaart van Nederland. Muller: Nauwkeurige lengtemeting met eenvoudige hulpmiddelen. van der Kooy: Naar een juridisch gebruikskadaster. 10 (1968) 10 VeenendaalIJkmetingen ten behoeve van Hi-Fix patroon Groningen".de Vries: Controles bij voorwaartse snijding en basis- hoekenmethode Géomètre 112 (1968) 6/7 Dingier: Culture générale et technique professionnelle. Wolf: Polygonation sans longueurs Détermination de sommets poly- gonaux par une chatne de triangles.Chabrier: Géomètres et Régimes fonciers dans les six pays de la C.E.E.. Journées d'étude lyonnaises sur la copropriété et l'urbanisme. De QuenetainRemembrement et agronomie.De Silguy et Cadiou: Baux ruraux inclus a l'intérieur d'un périmètre de remembrement Indemnités dues au preneur en place en cas de reprise. Giverdon: Calcul des tantièmes de copropriété et répartition des charges. 112(1968)8/9 Ollivier: Le Stéréométrographe Modèle D. Michel: Les Compagnies d'Experts judiciaires.Charignon: Le point de vue du Magistrat sur l'expertise judiciaire.Clos: Marmottes des Alpes et des Pyrénées. Le Breus: La nivelle dite cylindrique, élément primordial de l'instrument topographique. Breton: Nos problèmes. 112 (1968) 10 David: Du „lis au „Nous (reflexions sur la participation).GuillerminetIntelligence ou machines?. Dubois: Les vergers en Anjou. Breton: Nos problèmes. New Zealand Surveyor (1968) 234 Nevins: Notes and watercourses. Beach: Stormwater control in urban development. Questions and discussions. Stirling: Land inventory mapping.Jones: Digital computer in survey computations. Service: Port currents at Wanganui river mouth. Perfect: ,,As built" measurements Auckland harbour bridge. Jenks: The light sector projector.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1968 | | pagina 54