io6 2.7 International Association of Geodesy 2.7.1 The International Association of Geodesy (IAG), was founded in 1862 as the International Geodetic Association. It is concerned with general documentation in the field of geodesy and the organisation of geodetic enterprises of synthetic and inter national character. It has permanent sections concerned with triangulation, precision levelling, position astronomy, gravimetry, and the study of the geoid. Permanent commissions are attached to the sections and are concerned with specific objectivesgeometrical determination of positions, levelling and movements of the crust (Commission on Recent Crust Movements, CRCM), astronomical and satellite geodesy, measurement of gravity, and physical geodesy. Its address is 19, Rue Auber, Paris (IX). 2.7.2 A quarterly journal, the 'Bulletin Géodésique' is produced and general and national reports are published in the 'Travaux de I'Association Internationale de Géodésie'The Association is respons ible, with the collaboration of seven geodetic institutes, for the production of the 'International Geodetic Bibliography'This was published in ten volumes for the years 1928-1960; from 1961 a new edition was commenced, which consists of a monthly review in four languages (English, French, German, Russian), entitled 'Bibliographia Geodaetica The data in this monthly can be obtained on cards. 2.8 International Real Estate Federation 2.8.1 The International Real Estate Federation (Fédération Internationale des Professions Immobilières, formerly Fédération Internationale des Administrateurs de Biens Conseils Immobiliers or FIABCI), was founded in 1948. It aims to bring together at inter national level and to coordinate the activities of organisations and individuals concerned with or interested in real estate matters. Its objectives are to safeguard the professional interests of its members; to distribute documentation; to carry out research on common problems; and to link national associations. Its mem bership is made up of national groups in 19 countries and contacts in 18 others. It holds congresses practically every year and pu blishes an annual report and a quarterly bulletin, FIABCI Bulletin of International Professional Information' in three lan guages (English, French and German). It has had a documentation centre since 1959. Its address is 68, Rue des Archives, Paris (HI) 2.9 Other Organisations 2.9.1 The 'International Federation for Documentation (Fé dération Internationale de Documentation, or FID; address Hofweg 7, the Hague, Holland), was founded in 1895. It aims to bring together at the international level and to coordinate the activities of organisations and individuals concerned with or interested in documentation; to promote the study, organisation

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1969 | | pagina 12