no urging that it should be used for a comprehensive classified index to all published information. Early in the course of this work the inadequacy of this scheme became clear, and permission was ob tained for a certain amount of reorganisation and extension. This development has produced the Universal Decimal Classification or UDC, now being issued in the UK as British Standard iooo. The first edition of UDC was published in 1907 in French. This was followed by an enlarged edition in 1927-29 also in French, and an index and auxiliary tables in 1933. A third edition in German was published in sections from 1935-1948 and revisions and ad ditions have since been issued. Work on a second edition began in 1958. A fourth edition in English started publication in 1943 and although several sections have been issued, including 69 building, many other sections are still in preparation. Full editions in other languages are in preparation and sections have been published in Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish. The only complete edition is the German edition published between 1948 and 1965. 3.2.2 Since 1963 it has been obligatory for all technical publishers, information centres, and specialising libraries in the USSR, to use UDC for classifying information. Full schedules to a large proportion of UDC have been produced in Russian and these are being broken down into special subject editions to simplify the classification process. A special edition of UDC giving all classi fication schedules pertinent to geodetic, photogrammetric, car tographic and mapping subjects has been published. This edition is designed to be the standard classification manual for the docu mentation networks of AIG, FIG and the 'International Biblio graphy of Photogrammetry' and for future cartographic documenta tion activities (Russian edition: FID, No. 400). There is also a German 'professional edition' Fachausgabealready referred to in paragraph 2.10.2 and published under FID No. 369. It is one of the strong desires of Commission 3 of the FIG, that this 'Fachaus- gabe' should be made at least trilingual (German, French, English), or that parallel editions in French and English should be prepared. 3.2.3 The absence of complete schedules does not constitute a serious bar to the use of the system for two reasons. Firstly, the FID, which controls the scheme and is responsible for the authorisation of new schedules and classification numbers, has published cumulative lists of extensions and corrections which are brought up to date at six-monthly intervals. Secondly, in 1958 FID published a trilingual edition of an abridged UDC in French, German and English and corresponding one language editions in these three languages. Abridged editions have been published, or are in preparation, in eight other languages. The British abridged edition was first published in 1949 as BS 1000 A. Abridged editions list about 20 per cent of the full schedules but include all the principal numbersthese serve as a guide to classifiers and are sufficiently detailed for general application.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1969 | | pagina 16