has produced revised schedules to be adopted from Autumn 1968. SfB is based on principles of faceted classification, which means that concepts can be indicated by combining symbols from a number of tables. At present the internationally-agreed SfB system contains three basic tables. The products table indicates types of building products chosen with regard to several charac teristics, such as shape, function or application method, but also taking into consideration normal operational sequences and inter- changeability. The materials table consists of a list of about 100 different constituent materials of building products. The elements table comprises the building elements starting from the sub structure and ending with the service elements and the fixtures. A survey conducted early in 1967 revealed that the scheme is used by about 55 per cent of the quantity surveying firms in the UK for the arrangements of their product literature. It is also used by the main commercial organisations which provide small collections of product catalogues to quantity surveying and architectural firms. 3.3.2 The second edition (RIBA version) differs in three respects from the first. It is much more detailed to allow greater precision in indexing and searching. It seeks to serve the whole construction industry rather than only builders and architects. It is stricter in its facet analysis, ie concepts reflecting one particular relation are not allowed to intermix with others. Finally it gives a more com prehensive set of rules relating to the assignment of class numbers, so that maximum consistency and predictability are secured. 3.3.3 The organisation concerned with the study of classification on the subject of building is the International Building Classification Committee (IBCC). It was established by agreement between FID and CIB on the recommendation of the meeting of specialists in building documentation held in Copenhagen in 1952. CIB is res ponsible for all amendments of UDC pertinent to building and all proposed amendments which affect building concepts are considered by the Committee. The Committee also formulates proposals for the publications of selection schedules, extract schedules and filing systems (whether or not they are based on UDC). It is responsible for the ABC and considers all amendments to SfB Tables. For this particular task IBCC has established an SfB Sub-Committee. This sub-committee operates through the executive bureau and this function of the International SfB bureau has been entrusted to Svensk Byggtjanst. In order to accomplish its supervisory and development task in different countries or regions, the International SfB Bureau operates through the exclusive intermediary of national or regional centres which are members of CIB of FID and are interested and competent non-profit-making institutions. 3.4 Library of Congress 3.4.1 The Library of Congress Classification Scheme is used by many libraries in the USA and to some extent by libraries in other 112

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1969 | | pagina 18