"5 great weakness of UDC in the field of geography is that a great number of geographic sub-divisionspopulation geography, agri cultural geography, urban geography have been systematized under other divisions. The attention of FID was drawn to this deficiency and a modified schedule was submitted by E. Meynen a member of the Commission. This was accepted by FID and after further discussions, particularly with the British Standards In stitute, a final augmented version was published. 3.5.6 Although only a few classification schemes have been discussed, there are very many others in existence. Many are entirely satisfactory and widely used within particular countries. IBCC carried out a study of Building Filing Schemes in 1958 and, although it was concluded that architectural offices and building centres in Australia, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Yugoslavia make use of UDC supplemented by special filing systems, attention was also drawn to a number of other schemes 'of the greatest importance within the world of building' The systems in question included the American Institute of Ar chitects 'Standard Filing System' which was popular in Australia and Canada as well as the USA; and the Cordonnier System. 'Classification méthodique des activités du Batiment de la Construction métallique et des Travaux publics'whose many users in France include the 'Institut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics'. 3.6 Punched Card Systems 3.6.1 In recent years some documentation centres have aban doned the attempt to bring related documents together physically, and have concentrated their efforts on the manipulation of ter minology in files. The 'Uniterm' system of coordinate indexing was developed by an American, Mortimer Taube. In its usual form this system consists of a file of cards, one card per term, and on each card the document numbers are listed in terminal digit order ie the card is divided into ten columns, the first listing numbers ending in nought, the second listing numbers ending in one, etc. A search is conducted by withdrawing from the file the cards for the selected uniterms and comparing the list of do cument numbers to find any numbers which are common to all cards. The terms used are of a very basic type, that is terms which are elemental and not compound. From such units more complex subjects can be formulated. The Central Building Research In stitute, Information Division at Roorkee (India), use the Uniterm System for articles in periodicals. The 'keywords' for a document are written on the top of a reference card by a subject specialist and the bibliographical details are added below. Reference cards are then serially numbered and arranged numerically. The reference card number is then written on the appropriate Uniterm card. Where synonyms may occur, one term is selected and Uniterm

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1969 | | pagina 21