has been compiled. A subject specialist is consulted before new keywords are added to the system. 3.7 Control of Terminology 3.7.1 The efficiency of the control and manipulation of ter minology is fundamental to the systems described in the preceding paragraphs. To replace the logical structure of a classification scheme, which shows relations between subjects, cross-references must be introduced. In some subject fields, highly-developed sub ject lists, known as thesauri, have been produced. A typical extract from the American 'Engineers Joint Council Thesaurus' is shown below Density UF Gravity relative density specific gravity specific weight NT bulk density theoretical density BT physical properties RT bulk modulus buoyancy density measurement porosity void ratio UF (use for) are terms not used in the index, treated as synonyms of density, NT terms are narrower (more specific) than the general term 'Density', and BT are broader (more general). The RT (related) terms refer to other index entries that a searcher may find it useful to follow up in a generic search. 3.7.2 This Thesaurus is considered to have two functions to permit the indexer to describe more fully and at different levels of generality and from many technical points of view, the infor mation contained in documents, and to permit the searcher for information to phrase an inquiry appropriate to the scope and degree of his immediate interests employing all the terms of the retrieval vocabulary which have appropriate meaning and specificity. 3.7.3 The School of Library Science, Western Reserve University, USA, has established, with the aid of a UNESCO grant, a clearing house for scientific and classification schedules. Keyword and descriptor lists and thesauri in the English language have been issued, to assist individuals and organisations in their scientific and technical information retrieval problems. 3.8 Geodetic Thesaurus 3.8.1 Although there has been established recently for geodesy and related fields (photogrammetry, cartography), a new UDC- ii 7

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1969 | | pagina 23