99 with a shorter list of non-European members of CIBgiving also details of international organisations. The length of entries varies considerably, but in many cases there are notes on senior staff, field of work, structure, finance, information services, and publi cations. There is also a useful account of the general pattern of building research in each country. 1.2 Bibliographies 1.2.1 The best starting point for the investigation of any par ticular subject is its bibliography. This, if it exists, may list prac tically all the books and periodicals relevant to that field. 1.2.2 The best general guide to bibliographies is UNESCO's 'Bibliographical Services throughout the World'compiled by R. L. Collison, 2nd ed. 1961. 1.2.3 As for specific subject bibliographies we mention Eldridge 'Bibliography of Property Surveying Literatureand the 'Bib liographic Géodésique Internationale'published by the IAG. 1.2.4 Closely related to bibliographies are indexes and abstracting services. The latter are more informative than indexes as they give some indication of the contents of items. They are informative enough to let the researcher know whether the original is likely to be of use. Occasionally they give a summary of the actual data in the article. Indexes and abstracts are published regularly and although they may analyse the contents of books, they are usually more concerned with articles in periodicals, reports, or other elusive material. Abstracts take longer to compile, are more expensive to publish and demand the employment of a staff who know something of the subjects in question. Abstracts and indexes are designed for use in two waysto keep the practitioner up to date with his subject, and to provide a satisfactory means of tracing previous research on a particular topic. The RICS 'Abstracts and Reviews' is probably the best example of an abstracting service of this type prepared especially for the use of the surveyor. Other examples are the Bibliographia Geodaetica'published by the Zentralstelle fiir Internationale Dokumentation der Geodacsic in Dresden, 'A Magyar lrodalom Bibliogrdfidja 1498-1960', and 'Abstracts of Articles on Geodesy and Related Fields' published bv the Army Map Service (USA). 1.2.5 Some publications belong to neither of these groups, the entries being little more than amplified index headings. The RICS Technical Information Service 'Weekly Briefing' falls into this category. It is concerned with very ephemeral literature newspaper items, press releases, government circulars, etc. Com prehensive information services on very limited subject-fields designed to serve the precise requirements of a small group whose personal interests are known eg departmental services to ministers of state, are often of this type. 1.2.6 There are a number of guides to abstracting and indexing

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1969 | | pagina 5