f 100 services. The Science and Technical Division of the Library of Congress prepared for the National (American) Federation of Science Abstracting and Indexing Services 'A Guide to the World's Abstracting and Indexing Services in Science and Technology' (1963). It lists some 1855 services arranged by titles A-Z, giving details of frequency, date of starting, number of abstracts, arrangement, price and subjects covered. The text is preceded by a hst of titles classified by UDC and followed by country and subject indexes. Of the 1855 titles, the USA are represented by 265, Great Britain by 195, West Germany by 182, France by 147, and the Soviet Union by 117. 1.2.7 'Index Bibliographicus' by T. Besterman (4th ed. 1959- 64), is another main source of information. Published by UNESCO, the 1800 items are arranged by UDC and are accompanied by notes on coverage, frequency, etc. Abstracting journals, serial biblio graphies and reviews are listed, but the work is essentially selective. Only half of the US items listed in the previous work are included. It consists of two volumes. Volume 1 is devoted to Science and Technology, Volume 2 to the Social Sciences. The International Federation of Documentation (FID), has used both the preceding works, as well as its own research in 1962-63, in compiling 'Abstract ing Services in Science, Technology, Medicine, Agriculture, Social Sciences and Humanities'It is intended that this list, published in 1965, will be the starting point for a continuous survey of ab stracting activity. Changes and new services will be reported in the 'FID News Bulletin'It is hoped to issue an updated list periodically. The services are listed alphabetically by name. There is an alpha betical subject index and a UDC subject index. 1.2.8 The importance of abstracting and indexing publications is, of course, only a reflection of the value of the information contained in periodicals. Many countries produce fairly com prehensive lists of periodicals usually in relation to those held in the major research libraries in their country. The most useful guide to lists of periodicals is 'Guides to Scientific Periodicals annotated bibliography'by M. J. Fowler, Library Association, 1966. This work is in three partsPart Iuniversal guides, is divided into two sectionsgeneral lists covering all subjects and all coun tries, and guides which cover all countries but are restricted to specific subjects; Part II covers guides to the periodicals of inter national organisations; Part III covers national and other regional guides. The 'World List of Scientific Periodicals' consists of three volumes listing periodicals concerned with the natural sciences and technology published at some time during the period 1900 to i960. It records some 60,000 serials and indicates some of the locations in British libraries. The most widely used international guide is 'Ulrich's Periodicals Directory' published in New York and revised every few years. The latest edition lists some 20,000 titles under 200 subject headings. Entries indicate whether the journal includes

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1969 | | pagina 6