36i Twelfth international congres of surveyorsLondon 1968 Publication of Congress Reports and Papers The full report of the Twelfth International Congress of Surveyors, held in London in September 1968, has been published in three volumes. This reportknown as the Archivescovers the proceedings of a Congress whose studies extended over the whole field of the surveying profession. The papers, prepared by eminent surveyors and specialists in related disci plines from 22 countries, relate both to present-day problems and to challen ges likely to be encountered in the future; they should therefore provide a valuable source of reference to all those concerned with the advancement of professional techniques and activities throughout the world. Volume A is divided into two partsthe first containing reports of all Congress proceedings and exhibitions; and the names and addresses of some 1,000 Congress participants from 60 countries. Part 2 of the Volume contains the address given by the FIG President, Mr. B. J. Collins, at the opening session of the Congress, and three important papers presented at the plenary session, concerned with the crisis in urban living; developing world resources; and the future of the surveying profession. Part 2 also includes the papers read at the technical commissions concerned with professional activities, education and information, together with short reports of the discussions on these papers. Volume B is concerned with surveying and mapping, and contains the papers given at technical sessions covering cadastre and rural land manage ment; survey instruments and methods; engineering surveys; and hydro- graphic surveying, together with reports of the discussions. Volume C contains papers dealing with urban land systems; town planning and development; and valuation and management, and a report of the discussions. The majority of the 142 published papers are in English, but 27 are in German and 11 in French. Summaries of all papers are given in English, French and German. Each volume is bound in stiff board covered with black book-cloth, gold blocked on the spine and front cover, and protected by a transparent acetate jacket. Matching slip-cases are provided for complete sets of three volumes. The price to FIG members is 3 per volume or 8 per complete set, plus packing and postage charges as follows Within the UK: 6/per volume; 10/per complete set; Europe: 15/per volume; £1 per complete set; Elsewhere: £1 per volume; 30/per complete set. Orders, together with the appropriate remittance (including packing and postage charges), should be sent to the FIG Congress Office, c/o The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 12 Great George Street, London S.W.i

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1969 | | pagina 49